Have you heard the stories of businesses that started out of a garage?
Well, AirDrop Gaming started in my Man Cave.
Truth be told, it was just an unfinished basement with a projector.
Fridays in the Man Cave were always reserved. Every weekend, I’d get amped to play Call of Duty and Battlefield with my friends and far away military buddies.
But during one of those FPS sessions, I got pwned for the last time.
So I picked up my kids’ viewfinder disc and taped it right onto my projector screen. Over the crosshairs.

On the next match, I was suddenly a stone-cold killer — shooting from the hip with a shotgun!
My friends lost all trash-talking rights that day. They couldn’t figure out how the hell I got so good, so quick.
I thought, “This rig was just a stopgap. How much better could I do if this was a well-polished attachment?”
Something that was minimal but still draws the eye.
I had the electrical know-how from being a radar technician in the US Navy. And my career now is as an industrial designer for companies like Whirlpool.
I could actually build it. So I did.
With that, the HipShotDot and AirDrop Gaming was born.
Today, over 100,000 gamers have been using HipShotDots to get a better K/D, more killstreaks, and faster level-ups. And we’ve expanded to offer other helpful gaming accessories.
Eight years — that’s a lifetime in the gaming industry. But we’re still just a 5 -person company of family members.
We’re grateful to have earned the trust and loyalty of gamers like you and the gaming community as a whole. Without you, we wouldn’t be here.
I look forward to showing you the new, innovative products coming.
Keep playing, and happy gaming!

Tim Murphy
Founder of Airdrop Gaming